All what you need to know about Momentum


Established in the 90s, Momentum today is the largest independent Residential Leisure Real Estate developer and sales and marketing group in the Middle East & Africa focusing on real estate investment, real estate travel and life style services.

Momentum’s Focus is on delivering superior and unprecedented client service levels and real added value which has led to our growth and prosperity while maintaining our ethical conduct ensuring our clients financial security and happiness.

The group's employees are the foundation on which our companies have been built. Superior technical capability, in depth experience, honesty, fairness, hard work and respect are qualities that describe our employees since group establishment.

The continued success of our group depends primarily on our team and their continuous training and development. Momentum employees deliver more than the call of duty to maintain our standards and systems always building a long-term relationship with our clients based on mutual benefit and a positive and unique experience.

The way we work and the decisions we make and implement every day have formed over the year’s a doctrine for the success of our companies. As we continue to expand globally, we will continue to develop all the standards and systems to meet the changing needs of the markets and our clients.

Our vision is inspired by new horizons. The closer we are to our goals, the greater our goals become.

We welcome you to join us in our journey of success establishing a unique and enriched lifestyle.


Business activities

  • Fractional Ownership & Real estate travel ™ Sales & Marketing
  • Real Estate sales & marketing
  • Real Estate Consulting Services
  • Real Estate Project Management & investment
  • Sale of Franchising
  • Real Estate Investment
  • Real Estate & Travel life style services

Vision and mission

Our Vision

We shall become the leading company in Real Estate Travel™ & Real Estate investment with superior client life style management through a brand-new approach; Enriching people life styles as well as a solid rational investment with high returns. Our company will achieve leadership share and profit positions and, as a result, our business, our people, our clients and our community in which we live in will prosper.

Our Mission

To be the ultimate service provider of Real Estate investment, Real Estate TravelTM & hospitality enriching people’s lives with guaranteed privileges of ownership achieved by harnessing the collective expertise, commitment and high professional standards of a dedicated team and network across the globe.

Our Promise

We strive with a firm belief that the quality of Real Estate Travel™ & Real Estate investment our company provides, adds positively to the quality of clients lives

We are committed to the future of our client’s well-being, creating guaranteed future opportunities now & today 

We have a unique investment approach, providing our clients with an alternative guaranteed approach on how to invest their capital

We ensure making your moments unique by experiencing personalized service standards ensuring enriched life style and financial security

We strive for long term win-win relationship

We adhere to our ethical standards under all conditions

Our Board

Gamal El Hakim

Egyptian / Swiss

Chairman & president

30+ years in diverse multinational / regional business and industrial organizations in the MENA region providing fiscal strategic and operational expertise with solid business judgement and structured execution resulting in breakthrough results. Turnarounds, change management, reengineering and driving sustainable sales growth, profits, market shares for distressed and startup companies 
Regional & International Experience: Gulf, Middle East & North Africa and Canada 

Companies: Proctor & Gamble,KIPCO, SADAFCO (Egypt), EDAFCO (Egypt), Al Safat group, Alrifai (Lebanon), MGG/SCA (MENA & Canada), Al Homaizi group / Alkout group(Kuwait).

Seif El Hakim

Egyptian / Russian

Vice Chairman & CMBDO

Blue-chip international extensive experience with companies such as France telecom and Samsung electronics group. Providing strategic and tactical leadership in Samsung electronics regional headquarters Russia & CIS region in the marketing discipline. Extensive international experience in different disciplines such as marketing, sales and retail.

Bachelor’s degree from Cairo university, Egypt and MBA from MIT Sloan school of management

International Awards: SWF international, TMFF, Golden Hammer international advertising festival, Kyiv international advertising festival and Prague international advertising festival.

Regional & International experience: Middle East, Europe and Asia


Chairman message

Three decades ago, Momentum embarked on a remarkable journey marked by growth, dynamic evolution and consistent value creation.

 Since our incorporation, our solid principles of integrity transparency excellence and delivering results have been our beacon.

 In a world of uncertainties in the aftermath of the pandemic, geopoliti- cal and economic shifts, Momentum has navigated successfully through these uncertainties and remained solid turning obstacles into opportunities and growth.

 Our clients are seeking to adapt and thrive in this new economic reality and Momentum has successfully continued to execute a strategy that meets their needs. After an eventful post pandemic period, Momentum can look ahead with confidence thanks to the hard work, vigor and commitment of its senior executives and employees. They deserve our appreciation, gratitude and respect.

 Our corporate structure and the decisions we make and execute every- day have formed over the years a doctrine for the success of our com- panies and created value and sustainable solutions for our clients.

 To help our clients achieve their goals; our strategy remains focused on strengthening our capabilities, brands, network, investment portfolios and service offering. Our group has always focused on delivering un- wavering client service and real added value which has gained us a high level of respect, trust and recognition. As we stand at the threshold of a new phase in our journey, we will continue to enrich our clients lives by building dynamic and responsible investments. We at Momen- tum strive to create a positive and lasting impact on our clients and on the societies we work in by the best way we know how: our actions. Our group is well positioned both in standing and financial capability to structurally expand and diversify into a new decade. Momentum's evolution mirrors our success and our employee's bond- less spirit of tenacity.

Global reach

Our Offices: Seychelles, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Russia, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Iraq


We are an offline and online company 

We serve our clients no matter where they are


Reach us online through contact us and our network of associates will reach you anywhere around the world

Our associates and affiliates


Innovative Management Group (IMG)

Alternative Realestate Travel


Innovative Management Company (IMC)
Momentum Estates DMCC - UAE
Momentum Investments

Al Warqaa
Food Makers


Travel Picks

Momentum Management Academy



Momentum Holidays


Travel Buzz
Club Exotique


Momentum Investment Egypt
Urban Nomad
Zinzin Express


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